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直径:39mm 厚度:2.4mm 重量:26.8G

Diameter: 39mm Thickness: 2.4mm Weight: 26.8G


At the beginning of the Republic of China, the political situation was chaotic. Especially after Yuan Shikai failed to claim the throne, none of his successors could control the situation and lead the Beiyang government and army, leading to the separatism of various factions. Li Yuanhong, Feng Guozhang, Xu Shichang, Cao Kun, Duan Qirui and other previous politicians and agents were replaced as if by horselight. Zhang Zuolin, the last person in power, was born in Lvlin in his early years. After being accepted by General Shengjing, he successively served as the governor of Fengtian, governor of the province, and patrolling envoy of the three eastern provinces. Then he controlled the three northeastern provinces and became the leader of the Fengling clan. After the victory of the Second Zhifeng War in 1924, Zhang Zuolin entered Beijing. In May of the following year, the Fengtian army expanded southward and occupied Shanghai, reaching its peak. On June 18, 1927, Zhang Zuolin took office in Beijing as Grand Admiral of the Army and Navy of the Beiyang Military Government, exercising the functions and powers of President and becoming the supreme ruler of the country. However, on the anniversary of its expiration, he died of "Huanggutun Incident".


During this period, in response to the frequent replacement of presidential candidates, the Tianjin Mint trial produced or issued various commemorative medallions, and the craftsmanship was amazing. However, due to the short reign time of the rulers, most of these coins were cast in a flash in the pan. In addition, the original intention of the casting was not to circulate, so the amount of coins is rare, and there is not much left. Among the commemorative medallions mentioned above, the sample coins of Zhang Zuolin's portrait series are the most rare.

       此张作霖陆海军大元帅银币,正面是张作霖身着大元帅服的正面,人物雕刻逼真传神,神彩奕奕。头像上方书陆海军大元帅,人物雕刻深峻精美,细节毕现,打制压力十足,镜面版底,铸纹清晰,光泽闪耀,背面为嘉禾太阳的图案。中字:中华民国十五年,及 ONE DOLLAR 于下,细节清晰,样币铸压出众,浓郁的老柜色包浆,多彩斑烂,原味醇厚。赏心悦目,浮雕感极强,细节刻画入微,铸工精美绝伦,频现完好,具有一定的收藏价值和研究价值!

This silver coin of Zhang Zuolin, the marshal of the army and navy, is on the front of Zhang Zuolin in the marshal's uniform. The characters are carved lifelike and vivid. On the top of the head portrait is written the Grand Admiral Lu and the Navy. The characters are deeply carved and exquisite, and the details are complete. The pressure of making is very high. The mirror plate bottom has clear casting patterns and bright luster. On the back is the pattern of Jiahe Sun. Chinese characters: In the 15th year of the Republic of China, with ONE DOLLAR in the background, the details are clear, the sample coins are forged with outstanding pressure, the old cabinet is thick with thick color, colorful spots, and the original flavor is mellow. It is pleasing to the eyes, has a strong sense of relief, details are incisive, and the casting workers are exquisite. It can be seen well again and again, and has a certain collection value and research value!





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