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长:5.5cm 宽:2.9cm

Length: 5.5cm width: 2.9cm


In the remote period of tribal civilization, jade was made into various totems, which was regarded as the medium of communication between human beings and gods at that time. It was first used by civil people to offer sacrifices, pray and so on. Worshipped by people. Coupled with the awareness that jade can avoid evil, it has formed a variety of unique God culture! Representatives include: Sun God of Hongshan culture, God emblem of good culture wizards riding animals, jade wizard face of Shijiahe culture, etc.


In the feudal society, jade became the representative of the royal power and the imperial court. In the story of returning to Zhao, Heshi Bi can reach 20 cities! It also explains the value of a flawless jade! In the Qin and Han Dynasties, the main function of jade was to be used as ritual vessels, sacrificial vessels, guard of honor, tools, utensils, accessories, etc. Representative jades include GUI, Zhang, cup and Ge. In the spring and Autumn period, "gentlemen compare virtue to jade", Confucianism interpreted jade virtue with the concept of Confucianism. Confucius advocated that jade has ten virtues: benevolence, knowledge, righteousness, courtesy, music, loyalty, faith, heaven, earth, virtue and Tao. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xu Shen was changed into five virtues: benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, courage and cleanliness. Spread to this day!


This jade face is made of sapphire with thick and natural pulp, and the traces of manual carving are obvious. With exquisite carving, regular shape, natural color, smooth lines, realistic image and good appearance, it has a certain collection value!



众 号:Boree_Art


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